Having not been an official "Fat Bastard" for long I can only pontificate about my somewhat limited experiences thus far. Is it the comradary, the facebook group, the kinship? I don't know. But all I can say is that life prior to being a fat bastard, weepingly referred to as the 'Before I'd Ever Been to Me EraTM' , was empty and incomplete. Before you start crying "Cult" and labelling the originater of the group a "crazy over-zealous booze-hag bent on world domination" take a moment to ponder some of the benefits that this group is bringing to our lives (which I shall bring to you in list form) -
- We are now able to be collectively fat and will no longer be singled out in society.
- Won't have to worry about feeling rude for taking the last bit of cake, as there will never be a last bit of cake.
- No longer will we be judged by the size of our plates, but on the context of our character.
So let us stand in solidarity! I believe I may have run out of quotes and cliches, but yes, this should be fun.
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